Bishop’s Stortford College, Memorial Hall

2024: rebuild and enlarging the two manual Rest Cartwright organ on our direct-electric modules, adding a detached console, 3 manuals, 41 stops

The authorities at the college were fundraising for an electronic organ to replace their ailing pipe organ, much to the upset of ex Stortfordians.  We were contacted by one such gentleman asking if there was anything that could be done to save the pipe organ.  As a last resort we were called in to inspect the organ, which was in a poor state due to overheating and direct sunlight having split the Great soundboard on numerous occasions and at great expense.  A Great Fifteenth and Mixture had been added to boost the chorus but their position on top of the swell box detached from the rest of the Great ranks did not work.  The organ’s main purpose is for daily assemblies and large services such as Remembrance and Christmas, but also for accompaniment.  The organ just wasn’t big enough or versatile enough.

The original two manual organ, with its attached console was virtually inaccessible due to the tiny chamber only 4ft deep x 8ft wide.  There was height however.  With the console underneath there was a small scaled Bourdon and bellows behind, with the Swell and Great above, Swell behind the arch and Great forward.  The specification was limited and the pedal very weak with only the Lieblich Bourdon and the softly spoken Contra Viola 16ft (display pipes).

We devised a two manual scheme all on direct electric action with our ‘climb-in’ modules and small wind regulators to offer the maximum number of ranks within the limited space.  A mobile detached console was to be installed to release much needed space within the organ chamber.  As the scheme developed it was decided, at no additional cost to the client, to install a three manual Nicholson drawstop console we had in stock.  This allowed for a small Choir/Solo division offering increased versatility and a better educational instrument for students.

The enlarged Swell organ was located at the lower level speaking out through a new bespoke grille where the console used to be.  The design copies the gallery front.  The enlarged Great organ is sited above, behind the arch with sloping roof to project the sound forward.  In order to create the much needed depth to the organ for a full hall which seats 300 students, the only option was to introduce digital ranks for the pedal 32ft and 16ft ranks.  This is not ideal but has made all the difference and was the only way that the pipe organ could be saved.  Surely this compromise was worth it to keep the pipe organ rather than no pipe organ at all.

1 Bourdon 16 (A)
2 Open Diapason 8
3 Viola 8 (B)
4 Stopped Diapason 8 (A)
5 Octave 4
6 Wald Flute 4 (C)
7 Nazard 2 2/3
8 Fifteenth 2
9 Piccolo 2 (C)
10 Tierce 1 3/5
11 Mixture 19.22.26
12 Tromba 8 (D)
Swell to Great
13 Open Diapason 8
14 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 (F)
15 Salicional 8 (H)
16 Voix Celeste (t.c.) 8
17 Principal 4 (G)
18 Lieblich Flute 4 (F)
19 Fifteenth 2 (G)
20 Mixture 22.26.29 (H)
21 Bassoon 16 (E)
22 Cornopean 8
23 Oboe 8 (E)
Unison Off
Sub Octave
24 Wald Flute 8 (C)
25 Viola 8 (B)
26 Cornet V (derived from 4,6,7,9,10)
27 Swell Oboe 8 (E)
28 Trumpet 8 (D)
29 Clarion 4 (D)
Sub Octave
30 Contra Bourdon 32
31 Open Wood 16
32 Violone 16 (B)
33 Sub Bass 16
34 Octave 8
35 Bass Flute 8
36 Violon Cello 8 (B)
37 Fifteenth 4 (H)
38 Stopped Flute 4 (A)
39 Trombone 16
40 Bassoon 16 (E)
41 Trumpet 8
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
6 thumb pistons to Great
6 thumb pistons to Swell
6 general thumb pistons
Reversible thumb pistons for Swell to Great & Great to Pedal
1 setter thumb piston
1 general cancel thumb piston
6 toe pistons to Pedal
6 toe pistons to Swell
Reversible toe pistons for Swell to Great & Great to Pedal
Great & Pedal combinations uncoupled
Generals on Swell toe pistons