2021: rebuild of a Rushworth & Dreaper organ, 2 manuals, 25 stops.
The fine Rushworth & Dreaper instrument of 1936 was in need of a major rebuild, following a part electrification in 1993. Access for tuning and maintenance was impossible, with the majority of the Swell organ completely inaccessible. The pneumatic multi-pallet action had become unreliable and a complete re-ordering was required.
Our tried and tested bespoke direct-electric action soundboards and efficient winding system has been installed throughout. The organ case has been moved forward by 450mm and the chamber completely re-ordered, with the pipework layout modified for optimum tonal egress. Every one of the 854 pipes and 822 action solenoids can now be accessed. A new processor based operating system, by Renatus of Bideford, has been installed complete with remote tablet for record and playback.

The tonal scheme of the organ has been updated for all three departments with some subtle extension on the Swell, an additional Mixture stop on the Great, and a vintage Great Fifteenth 2ft replacing the poor quality Flautina 2ft added in 1993. The Pedal organ has been enlarged from its original two 16ft stops. The organ now has body and brightness, together with the versatility and variety which was previously lacking.
Great Bourdon (E) 16 Open Diapason (F) 8 Hohl Flute (G) 8 Principal 4 Harmonic Flute 4 Fifteenth 2 Mixture 22.26.29 Swell Horn (D) 8 Swell to Great | Swell Open Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason (A) 8 Echo Gamba (B) 8 Voix Celeste 8 Principal (C) 4 Flute (A) 4 Fifteenth (C) 2 Mixture 19.22.26 (B) Double Horn (D) 16 Horn (D) 8 Tremolo Swell Octave Unison Off Swell Sub Octave |
Pedal Salicional (I/E) 16 Sub Bass (H) 16 Echo Bourdon (E) 16 Octave (F) 8 Bass Flute (H/G) 8 Octave Diapason (F) 4 Double Horn (D) 16 Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal | Accessories 4 thumb pistons to Swell 4 thumb pistons to Great 8 general thumb pistons Reversible thumb pistons for Swell to Great & Great to Pedal 4 toe pistons to swell 4 toe pistons to pedal Reversible toe piston for Great to Pedal 1 setter thumb piston 1 general cancel thumb piston Great & Pedal Combinations Uncoupled (by switch) Generals on toe pistons (by switch) |