Henry Groves & Son Ltd, organ builders, was established in Nottinghamshire by Alvin Groves in 1957. Over the past 68 years the company has expanded, incorporating some smaller firms, and has carried out work on a wide variety of instruments, mainly in the Midlands. Now under the management of Jonathan Wallace, the founder’s grandson, we continue to rebuild and restore organs of all types and actions.
Latest finished projects
Rebuild and enlarging the two manual Rest Cartwright organ on our direct-electric modules, adding a detached console.
3 manuals, 41 stops
Rebuild & enlarging a Walker organ on our direct-electric modules.
2 manuals, 22 stops
Our services include regular maintenance, rebuilding, enlarging and restoring, and installing refurbished pipe organs to replace badly deteriorated instruments where the cost of rebuilding is prohibitive. We also have a tuning round of over 270 organs.
In recent years we have developed our own direct electric action modular soundboards which have proved to be popular and cost-effective for churches where funds are limited or space is at a premium.
We are always happy to quote for, and give our professional advice on, rebuilding, restoring, reconfiguring or replacing an existing organ. For more information please contact us.