2012: rebuild and enlargement of 2-manual Willis organ to 3 manuals, 32 stops.
We rebuilt this small 9-stop two-manual Willis organ and enlarged it to a three-manual instrument of 32 stops derived from 14 ranks of pipes. The Swell, Great and Pedal departments are on a new cantilevered west end platform with a new case.

The new Choir organ is mobile at the east end with the reconditioned three-manual detached draw-stop console, formerly at St Peter’s, Nottingham.
Great Open Diapason (E) 8 Claribel Flute (F) 8 Viola (G) 8 Principal 4 Harmonic Flute (F) 4 Fifteenth 2 Swell Trumpet (C) 8 Swell Hautboy (D) 8 Tremulant Swell to Great Choir to Great | Swell Open Diapason 8 Lieblich Gedackt (B) 8 Salicional 8 Vox Angelica 8 Gemshorn (A) 4 Lieblich Flote (B) 4 Fifteenth (A) 2 Fagotto (C) 16 Trumpet (C) 8 Hautboy (D) 8 Tremulant Swell octave Swell unison off Swell suboctave |
Choir (chancel) Dulciana (H) 8 Stopped Diapason (I) 8 Dulcet (H) 4 Stopped Flute (I) 4 Nazard (I) 2 2/3 Dulcet Fifteenth (H) 2 Piccolo (I) 2 Swell to Choir | Pedal Violone (Haskell) (G) 16 Bourdon (F) 16 Principal (E) 8 Bass Flute (F) 8 Fifteenth (G) 4 Swell Fagotto (C) 16 Swell Trumpet (C) 8 Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Great & Ped combs coupled |