2020: installation and refurbishment of the Lewis/Walker organ from St Alkmund’s church, Derby, 3 manuals, 49 stops
The original 1885 two-manual Forster & Andrews organ had been rebuilt, modified and enlarged on numerous occasions, and was still inadequate for the large building. The church had new plans to enlarge it even further, until we suggested they visit Derby, and inspect the fine three-manual Lewis/Walker organ, which was looking for a new home.
Once the church’s organist, Dave Miller, and their consultant, Paul Hale, had tried the organ and agreed it would be ideal, the plans were set in motion, Faculties approved, and instrument installed. The opening recital performed by Paul Hale, on March 14th 2020, to a large and enthusiastic audience proved to be very timely, only a week prior to the Covid-19 lockdown.
Organ booklet
This booklet, The Organs of The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin & All Saints, Potters Bar, is written by Paul Hale and Dave Miller.
Great Contra Salicional (B) 16 Open Diapason 8 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Octave 4 Waldflöte 4 Twelfth 2 2/3 Super Octave 2 Sesquialtera 12.17 Mixture Trumpet (C) 8 Swell to Great Positive to Great | Swell Geigen Principal 8 Rohrflöte 8 Viole da Gambe 8 Voix Celeste (t.c.) 8 Geigen Principal 4 Flauto Traverso 4 Fifteenth 2 Scharf 22.26.29 Contra Fagotto (A) 16 Horn (A) 8 Oboe 8 Vox Humana 8 Clarion (A) 4 Tremulant Octave Unison Off Sub Octave |
Positive Bourdon 8 Salicional (B) 8 Spitzflöte 4 Nazard 2 2/3 Block Flöte 2 Tierce 1 3/5 Larigot 1 1/3 Crumhorn 8 Tremulant Trumpet (C) 8 Sub Octave Swell to Positive | Pedal Contra Bass (digital) 32 Open Wood (digital) 16 Violone Bass 16 Sub Bass (D) 16 Salicional (B) 16 Principal (E) 8 Bass Flute (D) 8 Fifteenth (E) 4 Octave Flute (D) 4 Recorder 2 Mixture 19.22 Contra Trombone (digital) 32 Trombone (C) 16 Fagotto (A) 16 Trumpet (C) 8 Horn (A) 8 Zink (C) 4 Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Positive to Pedal Generals on Swell Toe Pistons Great & Pedal Combinations Coupled |
Console Accessories Detached stop-key console with locking roll-top 6 thumb pistons to Great 6 thumb pistons to Swell 6 thumb pistons to Positive 1 reversible thumb piston for Great to Pedal 1 reversible thumb piston for Swell to Pedal 1 reversible thumb piston for Positive to Pedal 1 reversible thumb piston for Swell to Great 1 reversible thumb piston for Positive to Great 1 reversible thumb piston for Swell to Positive 6 general thumb pistons (1-3 in tenor of Swell key-slip, 4-6 in treble) 1 setter thumb piston 1 general cancel thumb piston Stepper Advance thumb pistons in Swell and Great piston slips Stepper Retard thumb piston in Positive piston slip 6 toe pistons to Pedal 6 toe pistons to Swell 1 reversible toe piston for Great to Pedal Stepper Advance toe piston Balanced swell pedal MIDI control box [added] in existing drawer Capture system control panel [added] in existing drawer Console lights Blower and light switches |