2023: rebuild & enlarging a two manual Nicholson organ, 2 manuals, 30 stops
New direct-electric action throughout, on a new mezzanine floor, with detached mobile console.
Great Open Diapason 8 Clarabella** 8 (E) Principal 4 Harmonic Flute** 4 Twelfth 2 2/3 Fifteenth 2 Tierce** 1 3/5 Mixture 19.22.26 Trumpet 8 (A) Oboe* 8 (D) Tremulant (** denotes stops operated by Great Tremulant) Swell to Great | Swell Open Diapason 8 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 (F) Salicional 8 Vox Angelica 8 Gemshorn 4 (G) Lieblich Flute 4 (F) Fifteenth 2 (G) Mixture 22.26.29 Contra Fagotto 16 (D) Cornopean 8 Oboe* 8 (D) Tremulant (* denotes stops operated by Swell Tremulant) Great Trumpet on Swell (A) Octave Sub Octave |
Pedal Open Diapason 16 (C) (1-12 Wood) Bourdon 16 (B) Quint 102/3 (B) Octave 8 (C) Bass Flute 8 (B) Fifteenth 4 (C) Open Flute 4 (E) Trombone 16 (A) Fagotto 16 (D) Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Generals on Toe Pistons Gt. & Ped Combs Uncoupled |