2019: installation of a new 2-manual 12-rank organ, 30 stops.
The organ in St Martin’s church stands in twin cases, designed by the late Kenneth Tickell, either side of the west window, speaking east down the nave. The south case contains the Great and Pedal; the north case contains the Swell, with the console built in at ground-level, the player facing north.
Organ booklet
This booklet about the organ in St Martin’s Church, Barcheston was written by Geoffrey Holroyde and Paul Hale.
The specification is derived from twelve ranks of pipes, using the extension system to provide a colourful tonal scheme despite the limited space available. The bottom octaves of ranks I & J are produced digitally.
Great Lieblich Bourdon (J) (Swell) 16 Open Diapason (A) 8 Stopped Diapason (B) 8 Lieblich Gedeckt (J) (Swell) 8 Principal (A) 4 Nason Flute (B) 4 Fifteenth (C) 2 Sesquialtera 12.17 (D/E) (tenor C) Mixture 22.26.29 (F/G/H) Trumpet (Swell) (L) 8 Tremulant Swell to Great | Swell Geigen Diapason (I) 8 Lieblich Gedeckt (J) 8 Salicional (K) 8 Geigen Principal (I) 4 Lieblich Flute (J) 4 Nazard (J) 2 2/3 Fifteenth (I) 2 Piccolo (J) 2 Mixture 15.19.22 (K) Double Trumpet (L) 16 Trumpet (L) 8 Tremulant Octave |
Pedal Bourdon (B) 16 Lieblich Bourdon (J) (Swell) 16 Principal (A) 8 Bass Flute (B) 8 Fifteenth (A) 4 Stopped Flute (B) 4 Double Trumpet (L) (Swell) 16 Trumpet (L) (Swell) 8 Clarion (L) (Swell) 4 Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Great & Pedal Combs Coupled Generals on Swell Toe Pistons | Accessories 6 thumb pistons to Great (99 levels) 6 thumb pistons to Swell (99 levels) 6 general thumb pistons (999 levels) Sw to Gt reversible thumb piston Gt to Ped reversible thumb piston Cancel and Set thumb pistons 6 toe pistons to Pedal (99 levels) 6 toe pistons to Swell (99 levels) Gt to Ped reversible toe piston |