Kelham, St Wilfrid’s

2018: one-manual Cousans ‘Plainsong’ organ, with Temple Moore case, formerly at Lincoln Theological College, 8 stops.

This one-manual and pedal Cousans ‘Plainsong organ’ was previously in Lincoln Theological College. The Temple Moore case has been fully restored by art conservator Michelle Pepper, and the painted gold display pipes have been stripped back to their original zinc finish. The organ speaks beautifully into its new surroundings, with the only tonal alteration being the re-casting of the Mixture. The whole organ is enclosed in a Swell box.

Open Diapason 8
Rohr Flute 8
Principal 4
Flute 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Mixture 19.22
Pedal Bourdon 16
Melodic Bass 16
Manual to Pedal