2008: rebuild and repositioning of two-manual and pedal Willis organ, with mobile detached console, using the original case, 20 stops.
St Edmund’s was fortunate to be home to an 11-stop mechanical Henry Willis instrument, installed in the late 1980s from a church near Kendal in Cumbria. We were called in as the organ was giving problems. Issues arose from heat-related faults but the main problem was the severe infestation of woodworm which was making the organ unsafe.
There was a need for a rethink. The pipes were all excellent but the woodworm-infested timbers had to go. The church was considering an electronic organ, as the Willis was bulky and blocked out light from the large window. We were able to devise a scheme, using our modular design, to overcome all the problems and create a reliable, compact instrument with greater versatility.
This is Paul Hale’s in-depth article about the St Edmund’s organ in Organists’ Review.
Great Open Diapason (A) 8 Hohl Flute (B) 8 Lieblich Gedackt (C) 8 Principal 4 Open Flute (B) 4 Fifteenth 2 Mixture 19.22 Cornopean (D) 8 Swell to Great Swell suboctave to Great | Swell Lieblich Gedackt (C) 8 Echo Gamba (grooved) 8 Voix Celeste 8 Gemshorn (E) 4 Nazard (C) 2 2/3 Fifteenth (E) 2 Piccolo (C) 2 Cornopean (D) 8 Tremulant (to whole organ) Swell Octave |
Pedal Bourdon (B) 16 Principal (A) 8 Bass Flute (B) 8 Fifteenth (A) 4 Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Gt & Pedal Combs | Accessories 6 thumb pistons to Great 6 thumb pistons to Swell 6 thumb pistons to Pedal 6 general pistons reversible thumb piston Sw-Gt reversible thumb piston Gt-Ped reversible toe piston Sw-Gt reversible toe piston Gt-Ped general cancel piston setter piston Melodic Pedal (piston) Midi in/out/through Recording facility standard capture system for divisional and general pistons with 12 memory levels |