2010: two-manual and pedal, 17-rank direct electric modular organ, sited on a mezzanine floor, with new low level terraced console, 28 stops.
The original Brindley & Foster pneumatic multi-pallet organ, was failing and in need of attention. The church wanted a more versatile instrument to be able to lead the congregation, to accompany the choir and to be used for recitals. Worship was moving more to the nave and the organist was tucked away in the chancel. A scheme was devised by Diocesan Organ Adviser, Paul Hale, and we constructed a new 28-stop organ, using the B&F pipes, plus some new, on a bespoke mezzanine floor.

The mobile console platform, positioned underneath, can be easily moved from chancel to nave allowing the organist to be in prime position at any time. The now open lower area, formerly filled mainly with the large bellows and pneumatics, has provided essential additional storage within the church.
Great Double Diapason (A) 16 Open Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Principal 4 Open flute (A) 4 Fifteenth 2 Piccolo (A) 2 Sesquialtera 12.17 Mixture Swell Trumpet (F) 8 Swell Oboe (B) 8 Tremulant Swell to Great | Swell Geigen Diapason 8 Lieblich Gedacht 8 Viola da Gamba 8 Voix Celeste 8 Gemshorn (D) 4 Fifteenth (D) 2 Mixture Trumpet (F) 8 Double Trumpet (F) 16 Oboe (B) 8 Tremulant Swell octave Swell unison off Swell suboctave |
Pedal Violone (C) 16 Sub Bass (E) 16 Principal (C) 8 Bass Flute (E) 8 Fifteenth (C) 4 Double Trumpet (F) 16 Trumpet (F) 8 Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Great & Ped Combs |