Kirklington, St Swithun’s

2022: installation of three-unit extension organ, 2 manuals, 14 stops

Three unenclosed ranks divided over two manuals and pedal. All three ranks, Diapason (A), Salicional (B) & Flute (C) use the pipes of the Cousan’s organ. A Walker metal Bourdon bass rank (12 notes) from our stock has been installed to replace the existing woodworm infested wooden pipes.

Open Diapason 8 (A)
Stopped Diapason 8 (B)
Salicional 8 (C)
Principal 4 (A)
Flute 4 (B)
Fifteenth 2 (A)
Positive to Great
Open Diapason 8 (A)
Lieblich Gedeckt 8 (B)
Gemshorn 4 (C)
Nazard 2 2/3 (B)
Flautina 2 (B)
Bourdon 16 (B)
Bass Flute 8 (B)
Octave Flute 4 (B)
Great to Pedal
Positive to Pedal
A – Diapason
B – Salicional
C- Flute