2009: new 7-rank extension organ, utilising some old pipework, 2 manuals, 28 stops.
The previous organ in the church was a ‘Chancel Model C’, built by Bevington of London in about 1870-1880, and had been restored in 1981. The manual stops were: Bourdon, Open Diapason, Stopt Diapason, Claribel, Dulciana, Principal. The pedals were German.
We installed a new organ in November 2009, built to the designs of Alec Wells and Paul Hale, the Diocesan Organ Advisor. Taking up little more floor space than the previous 5-stop, 1-manual Bevington instrument, our layout and limited use of ‘extension’ (whereby some ranks of pipes are used at different pitches to create more stops) has 28 speaking stops drawn from 7 ranks and 1,049 pipes. One rank (F) is arranged to speak down the south aisle, creating a Nave chorus to boost the volume of organ tone in the chancel. Many pipes are new; some are vintage.
Great Open Diapason (D) 8 Nave Diapason (F/D) 8 Clarabella (G) 8 Swell Gedackt (A) 8 Principal 4 Nave Principal (F) 4 Open Flute (G) 4 Fifteenth 2 Nave Fifteenth (F) 2 Cornet 12.17 Mixture 22.26.29 Swell Trumpet (E) 8 Tremulant Swell to Great Swell suboctave to Great | Swell Lieblich Gedackt (A) 8 Salicional (B) 8 Gemshorn (C) 4 Stopped Flute (A) 4 Nazard (A) 2 2/3 Fifteenth (C) 2 Mixture 19.22.26 Trumpet (E) 8 Clarion (E) 4 Tremulant |
Pedal Violone (D) 16 Bourdon (G) 16 Principal (D) 8 Bass Flute (G) 8 Fifteenth (D) 4 Bass Trumpet (E) 16 Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Great & Ped combs | Accessories 6 thumb pistons to Great 6 thumb pistons to Swell 6 toe pistons to Pedal 6 general thumb pistons reversible thumb piston Sw-Gt reversible thumb piston Gt-Ped reversible toe piston Sw-Gt reversible toe piston Gt-Ped 200 piston memory levels MIDI recording system |